We produce the highest-quality transmitters for horizontal directional drilling since 1999 years
About company

"Nagovitsyn Engineering" — repair and upgrade of HDD location systems

Nagovitsyn Engineering undertakes repair, modernization and production of location equipment for horizontal directional drilling: transmitters, location receivers and remote displays.

Using our "know-how" we can extend operation time of the transmitter from one set of batteries, if necessary, increase the power of the transmitter in the process of renovation and transform single frequency FX series transmitters into dual-frequency transmitters.

We provide our Customers with remote assistance: our consultations often allow to determine what exactly happened with location equipment. Sometimes there is no need to repair the transmitter, location receiver or the remote display — you just need to carefully check and adjust equipment to eliminate interference.

We also sell upgraded transmitters, batteries and storage cells. Nagovitsyn Engineering technical solutions to improve transmitters’ properties are covered by patents and registered applications for inventions. Our experience is reflected in publications in specialized magazines and reports at international conferences.

We are the emergency service support for locations of drilling companies

Our priority objectives:

  • to reduce downtime with our Customers in the event of breakdowns,
  • to provide qualitative repair cost — pricing much less than the purchase of new equipment,
  • to give confidence in renovated equipment reliability, maintaining the highest level of service,
  • to help our Customers make the best use of location equipment in the most extreme conditions.

We repair and sell transmitters

We sell already restored transmitters for the DigiTrak Mark III-V, Eclipse, F series, Ditch Witch, SubSite 750/752 with the warranty period of 180 days. And we repair transmitters for F5, LT giving 180-days warranty.

We are interested in restoring new transmitters which has only appeared in the sale or rarely used in Russia. If you want to, for example, bring FX12 transmitter (the sixth region, China) back to life, send it to us together with the location system — we will restore your transmitter making it at the same time the dual-frequency transmitter against active interference. The same can be applied to the Chinese location GL.

Repair of any innovation turns into a streamlined process in a year. Today the transmitters for location Mark, Eclipse, SubSite, F2 or F5 go through the standardized repair stages: diagnostic operation, unsealing, replacement of electronic components and spatial position sensors (pitch and roll), reconditioning of the battery compartment, updating and improvement of the antennas, sealing and filling compound with installation of the new enclosure and control of technical parameters.

Our “ace” is — renovated transmitters

Experience shows that at repairing transmitters there appear to be new opportunities to improve their performance.

  • We extend operation hours 2-fold for FX12, FX19, FXL, ET, EDF, EXL from one set of batteries and strengthen attachment of electronics to work reliably in percussion machines.
  • We extend operation depth by 30% for DX, ET, EXL, FX, FXL. Ready-made powerful transmitters are available.
  • We transform FX series transmitters into the dual-frequency transmitters to work with F2 and F5 location of DCI company.
  • Transmitters for SubSite 750/752 series 86 are given properties of 86BG, 86BH, 86B, while at the same time, signal strength can be switched to carry out deep-hole drilling.

We repair location systems

We know how expensive it is to buy a new location system which may value up to $27.695, or more. Our “hobby” — is repair of location systems renounced by other service companies. Repair is done in Russia. Today we have found the way to quickly send transmitters to our Customers and get them for repair. But we are still looking for the ways to forward the location system itself for repair to us, to Russia. If you have any suggestions, we are ready to cooperate, please, e-mail to: sales@hdd-electronics.ru

We give advice in difficult situations with location systems

In fact, every fourth contacting us about a “broken” location ends with the remote “repair” of the location system after detailed consultations. It turns out that either it is all a matter of interference or location misconfiguration, or in the defective transmitter, or in bad batteries.

Request for a free consultation. If you are in any doubt as to whether your location is defective or not e-mail to sales@hdd-electronics.com, we will be happy to give you our advice — it is absolutely free ;-)

Our team

Alexander Leonidovich Nagovitsyn

“The first three transmitters were repaired in 1999. I started doing this to help my friend from the University. Later, I found out that the transmitters which had been considered non-repairable turned out to be quite operational after the repair.”

Alexander Leonidovich Nagovitsyn — the founder and the Head of “Nagovitsyn Engineering” LCC.

Nagovitsyn Engineering was founded by Alexander Nagovitsyn in Chelyabinsk (Russia) and together with his friends-engineers they started repair of transmitters series Mark produced by DCI for HDD. Later they continued with transmitters series Eclipse, SubSite 750/752 Tracker. Nowadays the assortment of repaired transmitters is far beyond thirty brands, and it is still growing.

in 1999

first three transmitters were repaired

Repair hdd transmitters
Repair hdd locators

Repair of transmitters and location systems. This photo has been staged as normally we are sitting in chairs ;-)

We are located in Russia — we repair worldwide

Drilling companies work with DCI and DigiTrak, DitchWitch and SubSite transmitters worldwide. We restore transmitters for Russia, CIS, for the EU countries and North America.

In Russia we have offices in major cities: Moscow, St. Petersburg, Chelyabinsk, Novosibirsk, Tyumen. In each city there are warehouses with transmitters, storage cells for location systems and batteries for transmitters. Delivery time is 1-3 days throughout Russia.

Shipping to other countries has its own peculiarities due to customs laws. Together we will find a way to ship transmitters for repair or sale under the contract. We have already delivered our transmitters to America, Mexico, Canada, Australia, Colombia, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Finland, South Africa.

Stock of refurbished transmitters

We have transmitters in Russia, CIS, the European Union countries and North America. The map of presence was drawn in 2010.

For dealers

If you are engaged in sales of HDD equipment and you have contacts among HDD companies, we offer you to become our representative. Dealer discounts reach 50%. We can provide uninterrupted deliveries of transmitters, quick return/exchange of transmitters on the warranty. We can help with promotional material: photos, specifications; prepare instructions how to work with our improved transmitters. Send your application for dealership via email: sales@hdd-electronics.com.

Your success is our priority!